What to Do When You Have Blocked Drains in Southampton
Blocked drains are a common issue faced by many homeowners or business owners in Southampton. The situation might appear minor at first, but if left unattended, it could lead to major problems including structural damages. This article explores some of the steps that you can take to resolve blocked drains situations in Southampton.

Identifying the Problem

Firstly, you need to ascertain if you indeed have a blocked drain. Signs of this usually include water draining slowly, foul smell coming from the drains, gurgling noises, or water coming up against your wishes. Once you're certain that your drain is blocked, you can proceed to address the issue.

Attempt Manual Clearing

Consider trying a few simple techniques that could potentially sort your problem. Plungers can be surprisingly effective at clearing minor blocked drains. They create pressure that might push or pull the blockage loose. An ordinary wire coat hanger can also be used as a drain snake to dislodge the blockage.

Chemical Drain Cleaner

There are various chemical drain cleaners available in the market, which might be effective in dealing with minor blockages. However, be cautious while using commercial drain cleaners as they contain harsh chemicals. It's essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions and to ensure that the area is well-ventilated.

Hot Water

Try pouring hot water down the drains as it might help to remove the blockage, especially if the blockage is a result of congealed fats or soaps. You can mix it with some detergent for more effectiveness. However, never pour boiling water in PVC pipes as the heat can soften the pipe.

High-Pressure Water Jets

For stubborn blockages, you might need to use a high-pressure water jet. It blasts through the blockage and pushes it along the pipes. However, these are professional tools and if used incorrectly can cause damage to your piping.

Call a Professional Plumber

In case all the above methods don't work, or if you feel uncomfortable implementing them, consider contacting a professional plumber in Southampton. Professionals have enhanced tools and experience that can identify the problem quickly and solve it in a more efficient manner.

Professional plumbers in Southampton not only have the skills to unblock the drain, but also have the proper equipment to deal with the situation. Cameras are often used to help identify the obstruction. This can save time and money to get your drainage system running as it should be in the shortest time possible.

Prevention is Better than Cure

While there are remedies for blocked drains, it's prudent to avoid such situations in the first place. Be mindful about what goes blocked drains southampton down your drains. Avoid pouring fats, oils, or large food particles down the kitchen sink. In the bathroom, try to minimize the amount of hair and soap scum that goes into the drains.

Taking quick action at the first sign of a blocked drain can help prevent more serious issues in the future. It's important to monitor your drainage system regularly and seek professional help when necessary. Should you encounter more complex drain problems in Southampton, don't hesitate to turn to a local professional to ensure safe and effective solutions.